Keyboard Accessibility in 3D Web Environments

Keyboard Accessibility in 3D Web Environments

I'm taking a deep dive into keyboard accessibility to think a bit critically about how to apply certain web standards towards immersive audio.

In traditional web pages, you typically use tab, spacebar, return, and escape for most navigation. Certain HTML elements, like <button>, have keyboard accessibility built in, meaning that you can hit tab to find it. If using a generic <div> element, the ARIA spec defines ways of adding this kind of functionality through attributes, like "role", "label", and "aria-label" to aid screenreaders.

In 3d web, it's often assumed that you have to use the mouse in order to interact with the site. Three.js has a few controls that do this, through Orbit Controls or Pointer Lock Controls. HTML is seen as an extra, and so any keyboard functionality has to be programmed manually. This also includes pmndrs' A11y spec for React-Three-Fiber, which requires developers to use a custom A11y component.

At first I was just following what most game developers might do, which is movement and orientation controls But thinking about VR controls, it's standard to have a 'teleport' control to avoid having a move continuously to an exact location. I think that teleport could very easily be analogous to the Tab functionality on most webpages.

In the first prototype, I focus on arrow keys for rotations, tab and spacebar for movement, and esc for exiting pointer lock. Instead of being able to move in all directions, you could only move forward, making navigation a bit simpler.

But going through the testing sessions, I found it was necessary to either limit rotation to only left or right, or have no positional movement at all. Participants encountered a lot of unnecessary difficulty with the up/down rotation, as without vision the elevation masked most of the directionality of the audio. Our ears tend to hear things in a left/right orientation, and binaural audio has many known issues with elevation calibration.

Finally, I've been able to use HTML list elements as a way to navigate through the experience directly

<!-- this is where the navigable html elements will be that propel you through the scene -->
<ol style="display: none;" id="scene-list" class="screenreader">
<div id="menu" tabindex="0" role="button" class="screenreader" style="display: none;">
<div class="container">
<h1 class="title">Menu</h2>
<div class="button-container">
<button class="big-button" id="menu-resume">Resume</button>
<button class="big-button" id="menu-settings">Settings</button>
<button class="big-button" id="menu-info">Info</button>
<div class="loading-bar"></div>

This is all the HTML required for navigation. If something has role of 'button', the listener can use spacebar, or double tap on mobile to select the element.

//construct bounding boxes, i) => {
//focus listeners
const listItem = document.createElement("li");
listItem.tabIndex = 0;
listItem.setAttribute("data-index", i);
listItem.role = "button";
listItem.addEventListener("focus", (e) => {
// all the code for navigation
//scene description
listItem.innerHTML = descriptions[i];
//append li to ol

By creating the list items from within the scene, you can make them much more integrated and keyboard accessible.