(Sub)Systems Exhibition Website
- Front-End Development in Svelte-Kit
- Deployment to Github pages
- Coordination with Design, Data Collection, Editorial, and other student groups
View Completed Project https://2022.goldcomparts.show/
While a Master's student in Computational Arts, I was the lead developer for the exhibition website. I worked closely with my collegues who volunteered to help with data collection, graphic design, creative coding, and UI wireframing.
With the limitation of using Github Pages as a hosting platform, I configured the site with SvelteKit's static site adapter. With Static Site Generation, I could leverage front-end development with static assets and hosting.
The homepage sketch was written by Louie Hext, which highlighted the theme of Subsystems with a reactive network of nodes. As a p5.js sketch, you can click on any of the points and it sends a chain reaction throughout the network, and if nothing is pressed, an animation begins from the top. I modified the sketch so it could work within the SvelteKit framework.
For the artist pages, the largest challenge was collecting and adjusting the images so they could all be compatible with with a script. I used ImageMagick to recompress and unify the naming and extension of the images, but any text-related issues had to be adjusted manually. The artworks page shows a main thumbnail of the work, and the artist page shows more information about the work, an artist bio, and a profile picture. At the bottom of the page we left room for an option artwork picture, as some artists only provided one image.